Our candidates in the upcoming Boleyn and Wall End by-elections – Joe Hudon-Small and Tassadduq Cheema

Boleyn By-Election, Thurs 13th July 2023

Vote Joe Hudson-Small, Boleyn By-Election, Thurs 13th July

I'm Joe Hudson-Small, a progressive Green activist and IT consultant who has lived in Newham all my adult life and I've got experience working with our existing councillors.

I'm a renter and I understand the cost of living crisis and the soaring costs of rent, bills, and food.

The Green Party are the only party with elected councillors holding Labour to account, who had been unopposed for twelve years until we broke through last year.
Greens voted against cuts and council tax rises, and unlike Labour councillors, we aren't told how to vote by our party so we are free to stand up for you.
Boleyn has been neglected – flytipping has been piling up and we know electing another Labour councillor won't change anything – Boleyn has had 11 different Labour councillors in 10 years.
We have inexcusable levels of air pollution and poverty. Labour blames funding cuts but found £160,000 for coronation parties, spending the second most of any council in the country.
Greens listen and work all year round to make our communities safer and greener.


If you want to see change then vote Green this July 13th and choose Joe Hudson-Small as Newham's third Green councillor.

Find out more about what Joe Hudson-Small has been doing for Boleyn and how he will represent Boleyn residents as a councillor

Click on the images below to download a PDF copy of these leaflets which have been delivered to households in Boleyn ward

Promoted by Rob Callender on behalf of Joe Hudson-Small, both at 36 Torero Mansions, 2 Honour Lea Avenue, E20 1DW.